ENTELS was a pan-European project that undertook research, design and evaluation of creative ways to introduce ICT into schools and in teachers’ training.

ENTELS was a teacher-training, research and development project funded by the EU Commission’s Erasmus + programme. The project involved researching, designing and evaluating creative ways to introduce Information Communications Technology (ICT) into schools and into teachers’ practice.

As part of this project, the ENTELS consortium developed an online teacher’s CPD course, which comprised of four modules; ICT Toolkit, Learner-centred Approaches, Entrepreneurship and Assessment Approaches.

ENTELS was coordinated by the Regional Government Department of Education, Galicia, Spain and is working in partnership with the following organisations: University of Santiago from Spain, Kaunas University of Technology from Lithuania, e-learning services and consultancy organisation, H2 Learning from Ireland and Plymouth University from the UK.

ENTELS ran from September 2014 to August 2016.

The following institutions are coordinators of the ENTELS project:


  • Dirección Xeral de Educación, FP. e Innovación Educativa. Consellería de Educación, Xunta de Galicia. (Spain)
  • Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
  • H2 Learning (Ireland)
  • University of Plymouth (UK)