An Erasmus+ K3 project designed by France, Slovenia, Italy, Ireland and Luxembourg to contribute to training on AI in education for and by teachers and school leaders on a perimeter voluntarily restricted to mathematics, science and modern English language in high school (pupils aged 15-16). A project officially launched on 28 February 2021 for an action to be conducted over 36 months.
A cooperation that brings together 17 members (ministries, universities, training operators …) to design, implement, test and evaluate a device to encourage a reasoned and relevant use of resources containing AI, an awareness of their contextualization and their acceptability and an assessment of their relevance and usefulness or not in a teaching context.
A project intended to be shared widely – approach, methodology, results of the impact study, training materials – and to produce a networking of institutions and teachers in a secure framework for the recording and analysis of learning traces (Open Laboratory for Learning Analytics and Open Science approach).
- Project URL: http://ai4t.eu/