What Is Blend4VET?
The VET (Vocational Education and Training) mission is to support learners in acquiring knowledge, skills and competences to successfully enter the world of work and the Blend4VET project will explore how a blended learning approach can assist.
The key aims and objectives of this project are to work together to explore how VET providers can develop quality learning results using blended learning and document a process which the VET provider should follow when moving an existing accredited programme to a blended model.
Project Objectives
- Explore and document a process the VET provider should follow when moving an existing accredited programme to a blended model and develop a Toolkit to guide other VET providers in designing and implementing blended-learning approaches.
- Design and implement five blended learning units for different VET content areas as part of existing accredited course for VET learners.
- Explore what implications blended-learning will have for the VET institutions, the role of the VET tutor and learners.
- Enhance the professional practice knowledge of VET management, principals and teachers in relation to implementing blended-learning through engaging them in dialogue and professional development activities as well as the development and delivery of an introductory module on blended learning ‘Building Capacity for Blended Learning – Leading Innovation and Change’
- Explore how VET providers can work together to develop quality learning resources that can be used across VET programmes.
- Disseminate project outcomes across EU Member States.
You can visit the the Blend4VET website here: blend4vet.eu